Blue Moon Garden & Nursery Logo

Welcome to Blue Moon! We are a full service nursery and garden center just southwest of downtown Spokane. True to our motto: “Nice plants, nice people“, we proudly offer a wide selection of healthy annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and native plants at a reasonable price.

Much of what we offer is grown right here at Blue Moon Nursery. We choose what to grow according to what our Interior northwest climate prescribes. Working with your natural environment makes gardening so much more enjoyable than trying to re-create a landscape that looks and works great in say, Seattle or San Francisco, but is pretty much destined for failure here in Spokane. The phrase ‘right plant, right place’ is perhaps overused but like a lot of cliches, was born for good reason. Choosing from a plant palette that works in the varied micro-climates around Spokane doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful, interesting landscape. You simply won’t need to use a ton of resources to make your plants happy.

We want you to be successful with our plants and beginning with hardy, healthy stock goes a long way toward that goal.

We are friendly, knowledgeable, conscientious people, who think you’ll find Blue Moon to be a pleasant change from plant shopping at places where plants (and often customer service) are not the main consideration. We are enthusiastic in our goal of wanting you to be successful in your garden endeavors and have a good time doing it.


Terese Palaia

Terese Palaia ~ ~ (509) 747-4255

1732 S. Inland Empire Way
Spokane, WA 99224
